
Thursday, 2 July 2015

The three wishes

The three wishes    

If I had three wishes my first wish would be to have a computer. I want a computer so I can learn on it. I could get good at maths and I could go on my google drive to find out about things that I don’t know.                 

My second wish is to have a pet dog. I want a dog because two of my dogs died. Me and my dog could always have races to the trees and then we could run back home.
I would feed him two times a day.  His name would be Jake. He would be my best friend.

For my third wish I would like to have fun with my family. We would go to the beach.I would play with my big sister and build sandcastles with my little brothers and then my brothers and sisters would come and play with my mum and dad. We always like to play dodgeball.

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